abf-tag News
Publication date: 05 February 2018

Launch of the Banking and Financial Ombudsman's Web Portal. A change in how to send complaints

The Banking and Financial Ombudsman’s (ABF) Web Portal goes live today. Clients using banking, financial and payment services (complainants) can now send and manage complaints entirely online. The Web Portal is a simple interactive tool that provides users with a guided, step-by-step procedure.

To file a complaint online with the ABF, you have to register and access the Web Portal at: www.arbitrobancariofinanziario.it. For further information on the Web Portal and how it works, watch the video and read the Guide on how to use the Web Portal.

The next step will be for the Portal to be accessible to financial intermediaries as well.

You can also file a complaint in hard copy until 30 June 2019, but only in the cases listed on the ABF’s website.