
Toll-free number

Besides requesting support through the Web Portal, for general information on the Financial and Banking Ombudsman you can also call the following toll-free number:
800 196 969 - Option 1.

Request for assistance via the Web Portal

If you need help, both with complaints that you have already filed and with those that are still in draft form, you may send a request for assistance via the Web Portal. You will be contacted as soon as possible.

Technical Secretariats

For questions regarding complaints that have been already submitted, you can contact the competent technical secretariat, to which you can leave a voice message on the answering machine or send an email to describe your problem. In both cases, you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Branches of the Bank of Italy

Branches open to the public, for submitting a complaint in person. All the Branches for sending, where applicable, the complaint by ordinary mail or certified e-mail (pec).