The Bank of Italy updates this website to provide a continuous service, thereby minimizing any disruption caused by technical errors.
The Bank accepts no liability for any losses incurred as a result of users not being able to access this website, or because of problems with connections to linked external websites.
The official version of laws, acts and documents published on this website may be found in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana, in the acts and in the official publications of other organizations, which may be found on this website.
The Bank shall not be liable for any losses incurred because of the content (data, information, software and so on) of this website or the content of linked external sites. Access to the latter is only provided as a service to users, the presence of which does not imply any form of control over their content. Any hyperlinks to the Bank's website from other websites do not imply any approval of their content on the part of the Bank.