abf-tag News
Publication date: 06 August 2018

A change in how to send hard copy complaints

From 6 August 2018 until 30 June 2019, you may still file a complaint in hard copy – even if you are assisted by a professional, a trusted person or a trade association – but only in the cases listed below:

  • against two or more intermediaries at the same time;
  • against a foreign intermediary operating in Italy under the rules on the freedom to provide services;
  • against a loan guarantee consortium, pursuant to Article 112(1) of the Consolidated Law on Banking.

Remember that if you file a complaint in hard copy in cases where it is not allowed, the ABF will not be able to take it into consideration.


  1. Instructions for filling in the form (only in Italian)
  2. Editable complaint form (only in Italian)